Wednesday, February 4, 2009

maybe i'm just too skeptical.

This seems like a perfect example of loving generosity... but a side of me wonders if there is a catch, if these people are possibly just the victims of another exploit... I don't know. I guess the right approach wouldn't be to judge right away and to not assume that someone who is giving what they have is automatically a horrible person out for selfish gain.

Man hands out cash in New York
By Sima Kotecha Newsbeat US reporter

"Imagine getting £35 for doing absolutely nothing. Well in New York, a man is
giving away stacks of cash to anyone who's prepared to stand in line for it.
The mystery man, who calls himself 'Bailout Bill', says in the middle of an
economic crisis ordinary Americans who are struggling to make ends meet deserve
a bailout.
In order to get the money people have to go the 'Bailout Booth'
in the heart of Manhattan's Times Square.
It's a small cubicle, a couple of
blocks away from the massive Virgin Megastore.
The minimum anyone can get is
$50 (£35). The maximum is $5,000 (£3,513).
No matter who you are or what you
do Bailout Bill guarantees that you'll get something if you just show up and
tell your story. "

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